I am doing the learning of machines.
Feb 2019 - Present
I was one of 6 client consultants contracted by Minted to develop various object detection algorithms to improve their search filters. After our project, we presented our findings at the Minted headquarters.
Feb - May 2019
I co-lead a team of 6 to provide market analysis and product positioning recommendations to GlobalGiving, the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies. We developed a pricing model and a marketing campaign to raise awareness for GlobalGiving's new product.
Feb - May 2019
I conducted market research on the sector of product analytics to help Amplitude develop its Partner Program. Analyzing the software and seeing how it tied into a company's marketing strategies allowed me to develop a deeper perspective into how technology and business intersect. As the senior consultant of the team, I assisted the PM in preparing the final presentation.
Aug - Dec 2018
I established and led the marketing team to rebrand the organization to expand its target audience from exclusively academics and researchers to the general public. I began by redesigning the organization's website and later planned a social media marketing campaign to raise awareness for Goodly's values of information transparency and personal growth. With the help of an advisor who had worked at Google, we redefined our mission and presented one of our projects to stakeholders from Facebook.
Jun - Aug 2018
I was part of a 7-person consulting team contracted by Twitter to help market their newest CSR campaign. I focused primarily on creating website and app mockups using Adobe XD and Adobe Illustrator, respectively. Through designing marketing tactics in a real-world environment, I improved my abilities in presenting ideas effectively. This project was important to me because it allowed me to discover my love for graphic design.
Feb - May 2018
I was one of three editors managing a committee of 15 members, each of whom pursued their own research project. I provided support in the technical aspects of data cleaning and analysis, and in the final writing stage. We also decided to begin hosting a Research Symposium at the end of the semester, where we invited multiple organizations to come showcase their data science projects. It serves an opportunity for current and future members to network and practice their presentation skills in a professional setting.
May - Dec 2018
Ever since its founding, the tech committee has taught only web development. As a chair for the Fall 2018 semester, I completely redesigned the curriculum to provide data analysis skills more relevant to the corporate environment: R, Excel, and an intro to the Adobe Creative Cloud. I aimed to equip my committee members with technical skills that they could take into any profession.
May - Dec 2018